A.K. Stone is a British author, musician, and general dreamer. His first novel, Adam, won the Indie Book of the Day Award, and blog/critical acclaim. ‘A wonderfully rich sci fi, full of twists and fascinating technology, a great read…’ ‘Awesome story!!" www.amazon.com

From the time Lloyd Chrein started playing guitar in middle school in NJ, he dreamed of one day being in a "dad band' playing bars on Long Island. Lloyd admits: "Not really, but it’s pretty cool now!"  He plays guitar in two dad bands, including Rockville Drive, whose mission is to find "songs that you know, you like, you remember - but maybe you haven’t heard for a while – not what other cover bands are playing." His influences include blues. jazz, classical, folk, bluegrass, Eastern, Western…and rock. Lloyd's "day gig" is president of Chrein.com, an interactive agency he founded in 1995 that develops and implements websites, apps, software and web-based marketing tools for businesses and consultancies, trade organizations, not-for-profits, artists, innovators and entrepreneurs. rockvilledrive.com