None of us like Halloween. The Martian in German. How to find node modules. What makes documentation good. CSS wizardry. More on RXJS and Observables. And the origin story of the npm wombat.


00:00:00 Intro
00:00:20 Halloween is my least favorite holiday
00:03:09 The Martian
00:04:28 Raquel is chill
00:05:48 Finding node modules
00:13:10 Sindre Sorhus started a blog
00:15:40 Marco's German Flag Icon
00:19:26 Things going on on Reactive Slack
00:21:13 What is good documentation?
00:30:16 CSSconf videos
00:30:48 CSSgram
00:36:09 RXJS/Observables
00:49:10 Cycle.js
00:52:10 The Wombat Developer Union
00:59:02 Alex Goldblum video
01:00:11 New Slack members


The Martian
One-line node modules
Finding Modules
Sindre's blog
German flag icon
Underscore docs
ember.js docs
moment.js docs
Alex Goldblum at XOXO Festival

Got feedback/suggestions/questions? Get in touch with us!
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Reactive on Slack
Reactive on GitHub
Kahlil Lechelt - @kahliltweets
Raquel Vélez - @rockbot
Henning Glatter-Götz - @hglattergotz

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