
Charles Max Wood
Nader Dabit
Cory House
Kent C Dodds

Special Guests: David Atchley

In this episode of React Round Up, the panel discuss breaking up with higher-order components with David Atchley. David has been doing software development for 24 years now and has worked mostly in web development. He has worked at many places from start-ups to large companies and does client work currently for They talk about what higher-order components and render props are and when you would want to use them to help you in your code. They also touch on overuse and misuse of applications and coding tools and the difference between using render props and HOCs.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

David intro
What are higher-order components?
What are render props?
Higher-order components are patterned after higher-order functions
Connect from React Redux
What are the use cases for higher-order components?
Would you suggest writing a render prop instead in certain situations?
Deciding to use a HOC or a render prop depends on the situation
Think critically about the applications you are using
Kent’s Advanced React Component Patterns Egghead Course
Difference between render props and HOCs
Build an HOC out of a render prop if you want to share code
Context API from React
Concern with new Context API
Problem with overuse
How do you help people avoid overuse and misuse?
Unstated library by James Kyle
Start developing code at the local level
React Native
And much, much more!

Kent’s Egghead Course
Context API from React
Unstated library by James Kyle
React Native
David’s GitHub
@Tuxz0r Medium



I’d Pay You $500,000 a Year, but You Can’t Do the Work by Shelly Palmer
Liars by Glenn Beck


CodeSandbox Live
Babel repl
React Cheat Sheet
Fluent Conf


Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
Nader’s Blog Post


Answers to common questions about render props blog post
React’s new Context API blog post
React Composer
Brandon Sanderson
CodeSandbox Live


React, Inline Functions, and Performance by Ryan Florence
Build Better Products by Laura Klein

Special Guest: David Atchley.


Charles Max Wood
Nader Dabit
Cory House
Kent C Dodds

Special Guests: David Atchley

In this episode of React Round Up, the panel discuss breaking up with higher-order components with David Atchley. David has been doing software development for 24 years now and has worked mostly in web development. He has worked at many places from start-ups to large companies and does client work currently for They talk about what higher-order components and render props are and when you would want to use them to help you in your code. They also touch on overuse and misuse of applications and coding tools and the difference between using render props and HOCs.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

David intro
What are higher-order components?
What are render props?
Higher-order components are patterned after higher-order functions
Connect from React Redux
What are the use cases for higher-order components?
Would you suggest writing a render prop instead in certain situations?
Deciding to use a HOC or a render prop depends on the situation
Think critically about the applications you are using
Kent’s Advanced React Component Patterns Egghead Course
Difference between render props and HOCs
Build an HOC out of a render prop if you want to share code
Context API from React
Concern with new Context API
Problem with overuse
How do you help people avoid overuse and misuse?
Unstated library by James Kyle
Start developing code at the local level
React Native
And much, much more!

Kent’s Egghead Course
Context API from React
Unstated library by James Kyle
React Native
David’s GitHub
@Tuxz0r Medium



I’d Pay You $500,000 a Year, but You Can’t Do the Work by Shelly Palmer
Liars by Glenn Beck


CodeSandbox Live
Babel repl
React Cheat Sheet
Fluent Conf


Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
Nader’s Blog Post


Answers to common questions about render props blog post
React’s new Context API blog post
React Composer
Brandon Sanderson
CodeSandbox Live


React, Inline Functions, and Performance by Ryan Florence
Build Better Products by Laura Klein

Special Guest: David Atchley.

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