Chris Biscardi and I talk about using the platform — what happened in the browser while we were webpacking all-the-things-in-js.

We talk about the future of JavaScript meta frameworks, a return to Rails, serverless provider lock-in, and the value of content creation in an economic downturn.


Chris Biscardi — Twitter, Website, Github, egghead
chantastic — Twitter, Website, GitHub, egghead


Gatsby — build blazing fast websites and apps
MDX — Markdown for the component era
Slate — A customizable framework for building rich text editors
Netlify Functions
AWS Lambda
Party Corgi Tank Top
Joel Hooks on Twitter
[] — Illastrated Explanations & Notes by Maggie Appleton
86: Maggie Appleton on the Power of Mental Models — last week’s episode with Maggie on and the power of cognative metaphors
Composable Gatsby Themes course on egghead
Build an App with React Suspense course on egghead
Shipping Sector, Toast, and more — Chris’ introduction post on removing Gatsby from his personal site
sector on Twitter
Toast on Github
Service Worker API
Snowpack — Build web applications with less tooling and 10x faster iteration
SVG use with External Referenc, Take 2 on CSS-TRICKS
Rome — an experimental JavaScript toolchain by the creator of Babel. A compiler,

linter, formatter, bundler, testing framework and more
Rust — A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software
Rails — everything you need to build fantastic applications
Babel — created by Sebastian McKenzie and maintained by Henry Zhu
Rails Resource verbage
GraphQL — A query language for your API
RedwoodJS — Bringing full-stack to the JAMstack
gRPC on Wikipedia
Azure — more than 100 services to build, deploy, and manage applications—in the cloud, on-premises, and at the edge
AWS Snowmobile — Migrate or transport exabyte-scale data sets into and out of AWS
#staythefuckhome on Twitter
Refactoring UI — Learn how to design awesome UIs by yourself using specific tactics explained from a developer’s point-of-view
freeCodeCamp post COVID-19 on Twitter
“be an investment, not an expense 💰” — Amy Hoy on Twitter
:party-corgi: chat on Discord


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