We learn from Maggie Appleton about mental models, conceptual metaphor theory, culture, creative thinking, drawing a box, and how it all comes together in her incredible Egghead course artwork.


Maggie Appleton — Twitter, Website, Dribbble
chantastic — Twitter, Website, GitHub


Build an App with React Suspense — my suspense course on egghead
State Monad in JavaScript on egghead
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracting World by Cal Newport — on Myelination
Conceptual Metaphor Theory on Wikipedia

George Lakoff on Wikipedia

Cultural anthropology on Wikipedia
Sketching and Logo Creation (with Maggie Appleton) — Learn With Jason
Language Tools

The Phrase Thesaurus
Online Etymology Dictionary

“Yes, and…” thinking on Wikipedia
Lateral thinking on Wikipedia

Po (provocative operation)
Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step by Edward De Bono

Draw A Box
Higher-order component on reactpatterns.com
Higher-order function on eloquentjavascript.net

Procreate for iPad
Adobe Illustrator
Keyboard Maestro

Joel Hooks
Meat Planet — The Illustrated Notes
Maggie Appleton on Open Source as a Gift on [Maintainers Anonymous] with Henry Zhu


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