Ever wondered how educators can pinpoint and tackle the unique challenges faced by struggling students? Join me on the Reaching Struggling Learners podcast, where we unravel the mysteries of educational interventions within MTSS and RTI frameworks. We delve into what it takes to set realistic student progress expectations and the art of crafting targeted goals that connect with the core of a student's learning gaps. With the right interventions in play, we observe the transformative journey of student improvement, where meaningful strides become noticeable in as little as six to nine weeks. But what happens when improvement stalls? We'll explore the common pitfalls and how to steer clear, ensuring that your teaching strategies are not only effective but also adaptable to the evolving needs of every learner.

 So, pull up a chair, pour that much-needed coffee, and let's prepare to close out the year with strategies that aren't just theories but practical tools for real classroom heroes like you. Together, we're setting the stage for success, not just for the final stretch but for the journey ahead.

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Links Mentioned in the Show:


5 Steps to Getting Started with Progress Monitoring