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2020 has been ridiculous, no one can or will argue that point. But some good has come from all of this….important conversations have been had on the national stage. Hopefully these conversations are the start to major change in the country and world. There is one conversation that has not been widely had, but I think is vital to the advancement of struggling learners.

Today, I want to discuss an important topic for struggling learners, and all learners in reality….the lack of research-based quality curriculum and the impact it is having on the learning in our education system in the United States. 

Teachers are often expected to buy or create their own curriculum, and are given the responsibility to differentiate that curriculum….in addition to all of the other expectations and pressures placed upon them. The education system is using cop-outs to save money and it is negatively impacting teachers and students, especially those who are already at a disadvantage. The education system is only supporting about ⅓ of the students, and this needs to change. I discuss this and what we can do to change this situation in today’s podcast. 

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