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With all the crazy things going on in the world- COVID-19, quarantine and now killer hornets (is that not a thing of nightmares????) we are all feeling the stress. But as teachers, we are aware that the stress we feel is nothing compared to what many of our students have dealt with or are dealing with right now. 

Today, I want to take a short break from progress monitoring and talk about a very real issue that teachers and students are struggling to deal with in this remote learning environment….trauma. This is a topic that hits close to home for me. It is not a comfortable topic for me, but I think that it is one that needs to be talked about, especially in today’s reality…..

Trauma impacts students and classrooms around the world. Students struggle to regulate their emotions and their outbursts can be downright dangerous. In this episode, we talk about actionable steps teachers can take to support students who have experienced trauma. I also introduce a way to continue to support these students, even if teachers are engaged in distance learning. 

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