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When students read in class, do they struggle with pronouncing words correctly? I don’t mean articulation errors….as in the students have a really hard time saying s specific sound….I mean when they read words, do you know what word they mean, but they are putting too much or too little emphasis on certain pieces of the words? This can really mess with the fluidity of reading, and make a good story or piece of text terrible to listen to. 

The first few months of hearing my older son read were such a mixture of pride and wanting to stick earplugs in while he read….seriously….there is a fluidity with the way that we pronounce words and sentences….without the fluidity, listening to someone reading is so ugh! 

But, there is a way to help solve this problem...which enhances the listening experience for everyone….including the person reading...which directly impacts their comprehension...We will talk about this today!

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Links Mentioned in the Show:

5 Steps to Progress Monitoring Guide

FCCR Website