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When I went to college, and was preparing to become a teacher, I learned all sorts of things about teaching strategies and classroom management, and even the basic philosophy behind writing IEPs...but what they didn’t go into depth on was when I had students in my classroom, how was I supposed to teach the skills which were outlined in the IEPs...especially if they were years below the grade level the student was in with me.

Today, we are going to talk about how we can teach those skills the students need most in order to close achievement gaps….even when those skills are years below grade level. 

The vast majority of our students with special needs are lacking or weak in foundational skills, which is impacting all more advanced learning. This is where our goals come from, and we will talk more about that in a future episode, but for now….let's talk about how we can teach those foundational skills, and close those achievement gaps...and find time to work on grade level skills at the same time…

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