Arianne Jones competed in the luge at the 2014 Olympics, 50 World Cups, 5 World Championships and won 2 World Cup medals.   Her Olympic career was filled with a decade of overcoming naysayers, overtraining and finally breaking her back, which was the catalyst to discovering the power of nutrition. 

She experienced firsthand the untapped potential behind what is at the end of our fork and the power of your mindset when 8 months after this life changing injury - she came back to win Gold.  Soon after this golden moment, in the blink of an eye everything changed. In a matter of weeks Arianne went from the best in the world - to bed bound.  From being one of the fittest in the world to not being able to walk more than 10 minutes. It took 4 years to be diagnosed with chronic lyme disease.

Paige Lawrence competed in pairs figure skating at the 2014 Olympics, 21 International Competitions (medalling at several) and was the 4x Canadian Pairs Bronze medalist. 

Through her Olympic career, she learned firsthand the exact mindset and skill set that is required for optimal performance, however she also learned how the “high-performance career at all costs” mentality can cut a rising career short. 

Paige is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs unlock their potential and achieve outstanding results while avoiding burnout.  

Learn more about the Podium Performance Program HERE

Connect more: 
Instagram - Paige
Instagram - Arianne

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