31 years ago, Ralph Nader delivered his first speech to the New England Association of Buyer Agents. In retrospect, it was a "Coming of Age" for buyer agents and an occasion Nader used to call for a consumer movement in housing.

Unfortunately, since then, buyer agency has been coopted and the affordable housing crisis generated more headlines than housing units.

So, while The Boston Globe Spotlight focuses on the housing crisis we'll invite fellow real estate consumer advocates to aggregate content to take take our message directly to consumers - both homebuyers and sellers across Massachusetts.

Over the next 50 days, we hope to aggregate and share content here and on social media from our peers. If we do that twice daily, that will generate 100 updates over next 50 days.

Why 100? That number reflects the magnitude of potential consumer savings EVERY month across Massachusetts -- a stunning $100 million per month - from one of the massive class action lawsuits against the real estate cartel, aka #RECartel.

Why 50 days? There are 50 days till the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, and as in the past we'll use that date to talk about throwing real estate commissions overboard.

This year it's not a question of whether that will happen, it's whether the proposed #MLSpinSettlement and others will deliver BILLIONS annually in consumer savings - as is the Department of Justice's goal.

Our hope is to help homebuyers and sellers learn how they can get their piece of those savings, and we look forward to interviewing some of them for this series.

Please contact us if you'd like to be interviewed.


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