Previous Episode: Let It Be Easy
Next Episode: Show Up for Yourself

Today you’re being reminded to trust yourself.

To go within and reconnect to your inner wisdom.

Whatever your concern, your challenge, or question, the true answer lies within.

When you can retreat and listen to your own wisdom, you will find clarity about your next course of action.

You can seek wisdom, counsel and guidance from those trusted sources around you, but ultimately the final decision rests with you.

You need to give yourself permission to trust what you already know.

Do what you need to do to fill yourself up, to nourish and replenish yourself.

When you restore your inner resources, you can access and trust your own wisdom with greater ease.

Take some time today to stop and do whatever you need to feel refreshed and refilled.

Maybe you need to nap, read your favourite book, connect with nature, have a catch up with friends.

Restore yourself, and then spend some time in the peace and silence, as you give yourself the space and time to find the answers to your own questions.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you listen for the answers.


Today’s SHEro Action:

Today’s SHEro action is to ask for the answers.

Think of a question or challenge that you’re currently facing.

Then write down the question you have, the answer you seek, on top of a piece of paper.

Then allow yourself to answer.

No judgement, no interruptions, just let the words flow as you write the answer to your question. This isn’t a time to worry about spelling or grammar, just allow the words to be written freely.

If you’re struggling, to further remove your mind from the process, so that you can access your intuition and your inner most knowing, you can respond to the question by writing with your non-dominant hand.

Pause, and take a breath. As you give yourself permission to have the answers.


Today’s Affirmation:

“I trust that the answers I seek are within”