Next Episode: Be Generous

Today you’re being reminded to celebrate your wisdom. 

Not wisdom that comes from the kind of knowledge that you get from education, but the wisdom you have from showing up and experiencing life. 

The wisdom that resonates deep in your blood and bone. 

The wisdom that you can’t explain, but you just instinctively feel and know. 

Celebrate your ability to tap into unknown forces. 

Celebrate your ability to trust something bigger and greater than yourself. 

Celebrate your ability to let go of the need to know and control everything.

Today you’re being reminded to celebrate your wisdom. 

Not wisdom that comes from the kind of knowledge that you get from education, but the wisdom you have from showing up and experiencing life. 

The wisdom that resonates deep in your blood and bone. 

The wisdom that you can’t explain, but you just instinctively feel and know. 

Celebrate your ability to tap into unknown forces. 

Celebrate your ability to trust something bigger and greater than yourself. 

Celebrate your ability to let go of the need to know and control everything.