Previous Episode: Take a Stand
Next Episode: Remember Your Truth

Today you’re being reminded of the importance of getting comfortable with discomfort.

Many people get stuck at The Call stage of the SHEro’s Journey.

The energy of The Call is light, fun and full of limitless possibilities.

Yet, as soon as you decided to take action, it can stop being so joyful as the reality of making choices become apparent. Maybe you have to let people down, perhaps you change even though those around you want you to stay the same.

The reality of committing to your dreams and doing things differently sets in.

All change brings growth and growth can be uncomfortable, even painful.

This discomfort means that you are growing, you’re moving forward.

What if you could see this discomfort as something that is just part of the process and not something to be resisted or avoided.

Much like having a great workout at the gym, attending a yoga class, or going for a strenuous hike, you may feel a bit stiff the next day, but you know that this discomfort is worth it in the long run as you’ll feel much fitter and stronger for it.

And just like pushing your physical body, the more you push your own growth, the easier it becomes. The more resilient you become and the bolder you become.

Your confidence soars as you trust in your own ability to navigate and overcome any obstacles you face.

Lean into the discomfort, get the support you need, and get comfortable with your own growth.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as feel into the possibility of discomfort.


Today’s SHEro Action:

Today’s SHEro action is to think about an action that you’ve been putting off because it feels too uncomfortable.

Now think about how much of your time and energy it will free up to get it done. Just not thinking about it anymore will make you feel so much better.

Do you need some additional help, resources, or knowledge to be able to do this? If so, make a plan; reach out to those who can help, and take action.

Pause, and take a breath. As you choose to move forward and grow.


Today’s Affirmation:

“I choose growth over comfort”