Previous Episode: Ground Yourself

Today is reminding you to embrace who you’re becoming.

Who are you becoming?

What can you become?

What lights you up?

What’s preventing you for becoming more you?

What do you need to let go of?

Every choice you make, no matter how small, moves you along the process of unfolding into yourself.

Everything from the words that you use, the food that you eat, the people you support, the things you turn a blind eye to, these all create your experience of life.

This isn’t a time, or an excuse, for you to feel bad about your choices, or to blame and shame yourself.

But this is a time to interrupt your habits and behaviours and assess if they still serve you.

Are your choices and actions supporting the person that you want to become?

Are these the actions, or in-actions, in alignment with your energy, values and feelings?

If not, what can you do differently?

Sometimes just becoming aware of habitual thoughts, feelings, patterns and behaviours, is enough to break them, and the chance for you to consciously choose a different way,

Sometimes it needs more support and effort on your behalf, now is the time to make that effort.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you connect to the decisions and actions that you’ve outgrown and no longer serve you.