Previous Episode: Receive Support
Next Episode: Nurture Your Dreams

Today you are being reminded to believe in yourself.

This is far from expecting yourself to be perfect, but it’s about giving yourself some credit and being on your own side.

So what, if you get things wrong, or make a mistake. Learn, say sorry, correct your actions and try again.

Align with yourself, your needs, your values, your energy, and your desires.

Do things your way.

Break free from expectations, things, people and places that no longer nourish or support you.

Believe in yourself enough to say ‘No’ to those things that no longer serve you, and to say ‘Yes’ to those things that your heart desires.

Enjoy the adventure through life.

Surprise yourself at what you can do, and how resilient you are.

Let go of, and move beyond, limiting beliefs and expectations.

Somethings you can plan for, others need figuring out as you go along.

No matter what comes your way, know you can deal with it.

Ask for help, start again, and keep moving forward.

Just because you started heading in one direction, doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind.

This is your life. Dare to be different, dare to break free, and dare to do it your own way.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you allow yourself to remember your own magnificence.