Brenna O'Malley RD, aka @theWellful, joins us with some real talk about eating, and living, without a set of new diet rules. Brenna has a knack for meeting you where you are with an intuitive eating, non-diet message, through her social media and client work. She brings that compassion to this conversation with RD Real Talk listeners. For the RDs tuning in, this episode may help you navigate client sessions this month with All The Diet Talk. 

Follow Brenna and The Wellful at @thewellful on Instagram, or on , where you can grab her free Mindful Eating & Satisfaction guide!

Other resources mentioned: 

Non Diet Approach Webinar & Workbook

Anti-Diet Book by Christy Harrison MPH RD 

RD Real Talk episode with Christy Harrison about her book, Anti-Diet

The Intuitive Eating book (and website)

Learn more about the Weight Inclusive Nutrition & Dietetics Events:

Your host, Heather Caplan RD:, @heatherDCRD, @RDRealTalk.

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