This podcast is all about working with children and young people to help improve their health and the health of others. Have a listen for ideas, examples and information on engagement from RCPCH doctors and young people from RCPCH &Us - we hope you enjoy it!

The podcasters are: Ali, Demi, Emma, Joseph, Leo, Lowenna, Oscar, Shashank, Shreya and Timooothy. We also had help from other RCPCH &Us volunteers Aisling, Sohan and Clare. Plus John and Jamie who brought Timooothy to life!

In this episode we interviewed: Dr Shouja from Wales, Kath from Barts Health, Louca-Mai a researcher from University of Hertfordshire and Ally from the Luna Project.

Download transcript

RCPCH &Us are a network of children and young people from all over the country (UK) who volunteer together to help improve health, awareness and information/education around what matters to children and young people. We have lots of different projects which bring together young volunteers to make a difference on topics like epilepsy, asthma, mental health and more. The podcasters are young people from RCPCH &Us who have a passion for engagement and volunteering in child health. They will be creating different podcasts over the year on topics that matter to children and young people. We have been learning how to create a podcast, creating and reviewing content, editing and getting it ready to launch.

Wondering why you keep hearing a moo? In the summer of 2022, young people were helping out with interviews for staff at RCPCH and in the break time, learnt to moo. Another young person remixed it and that's why we have a moo as a jingle!  It means a lot to us and we hope you enjoy it too!  

Links mentioned in the podcast:

RCPCH &Us, plus the latest issue of Milestones &Us (winter 2022) Renal transplant support for young people GPs in youth centres (PDF)  Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH)  Embedding youth participation in health - Bristol University About children’s rights NHS England Youth Forum  National Children's Bureau - Listening to young voices Luna Project  Advice and guidance on engaging children and young people in your health service on QI Central

Thank you for joining us for our first RCPCH &Us podcast and to everyone who took part.

We hope that by sharing our voices and empowering examples of engagement, you are inspired to be creative and get involved. Engagement is the way we can make this happen, please ask what children and young people think, listen to our voices and together we can create outstanding child health services.

Get in touch with RCPCH &Us [email protected]