Now that you are marketing your products and services online, you have instant global reach. But there's one problem: your marketing now stands shoulder to shoulder with Coke, Ford, the NFL, Oprah, and every other major brand that's online. How do you compete?

In this session I'm sharing a conversation with Marshall Wayne, who is breaking new ground for Platform-Builders and Solo Pros… using something I like to think of as “Cinematic Marketing”. And the good news is, it doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Other Reasons To Keep Listening You'll discover the new alarm clock app I'm using on my iPhone that improves my sleep and increase my energy level upon awakening. How you can be free of guilt and shame. I'll share how you can get your own show promoted on this podcast!

That's all coming up in today's episode…

Tip(s) of the Week:

I'm using the Rise Alarm Clock App for iPhone and loving it. 

Rise is a beautifully simple alarm app.

It's a work of art that wakes you up.

No annoying clutter. Reach out and move the interface; Set and sleep.

Not your typical alarm sounds. Wake up in the woods if you want, or pick a song from iTunes.

Dock it and stare at the beautiful, large clock for day or night with multiple backgrounds (portrait or landscape)

Create your own alarm labels for as many scheduled wake-up times as you need. *with IAP

From the lock screen: Shake it like a Polaroid picture to snooze or turn off the alarm.

Let SleepTunes help you fall (asleep) by making a sleepy playlist with a shut-off timer.

Click here to learn more and get Rise for your iPhone.

Spiritual Foundations: How We Can Be Free of Guilt and Shame

You probably already know this, but I believe that Grace is not a doctrine that is part of the Gospel – I believe it is the Gospel.

The Good News is way better than you think.

 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)” Romans 5:17

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:12

Keep in mind that when Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for all your sins, and at that moment all of them were in the future. And He wiped them all clean. That means all your sins – even the ones you haven't committed yet – are forgiven, and God isn't even aware of them!

God takes our sins – past, present, and future, and dumps them in the sea and puts up a sign that says ‘No Fishing Allowed'.”

Corrie Ten Boom


Feature Presentation: How To Create An Iconic Personal Brand, With Marshall Wayne

Marshall Wayne is a photographer and videographer who helps people created iconic personal brands.

Resources Mentioned In The Show Marshall Wayne's website. The Icon Engineering System. The Agency Declassified. How You Can Help

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