Ever feel like you just need to get more stuff done? I think we all feel that way at some point.

In this episode, I interview Robert Plank on getting things done. Also coming up…

The app that prevents long-windedness. Stu McLaren with the Lifestyle Business Report. The one-word Copywriting shift you can make today Now let's get on with it…

Announcements: Thanks to all who have left a review of the Ray Edwards Show in iTunes. Including Ray Massie, Joshua Rivers, Lisa R, Stever, Robert Pieto! For more info about the one-day mastermind with me and 11 other people, where we make radical progress in your business… is on. Click this link to make your deposit and application.

Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking:

Social Media Marketing World, March 26-28, 2014, San Diego, CA The Launch Conference, April 7-10, 2014, Orlando, FL SCORRE Conference May 5-8, Orlando, FL Tip Of The Week 

The pClock app that keeps you from blowing past your time limits when speaking.

Lifestyle Business Segment 

With Stu McLaren

Copywriting Corner

The one word shift that you can make that amps up your persuasion power.

Spiritual Foundations

When you see yourself the way God sees you, you won't be “full of yourself”… you will be your full self.

Feature Segment:  Interview With Robert Plank

In the episode I we hear from Robert Plank on:

How to stay out of overwhelm. How to avoid having a lot if half-finished products and projects. The secrets of single-minded focus. A simple philosophy of copywriting… or any process! The magic of the “3 Day Rule” and the power of having just “4 Daily Tasks”. What To Do Now

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Question:    What will you get done this week as a result of this podcast? Click here to leave your comments.