This episode of "Extraordinary on Purpose" offers you a break down and understanding of “what is purpose”. I will offer you three (3) steps to understanding how to discover your purpose.

We look at the process and the plan. We examine the process of discovering your purpose by understanding your passion.

What is that you love? What is it that comes natural to you?

Once you start to understand your passion you can begin the planning phase of stepping into your purpose.

You’ll know that you are living in your purpose when you are able to:

1) Produce change. 2) Inspire others. 3) Leave a legacy.

This episode of Extraordinary on Purpose with Rachel Renata will offer you:

oA path to understanding your purpose
oDefining “purpose”
oCreating a plan to your purpose
oUnderstanding that your purpose has purpose
oAllowing yourself to be used with imperfections
oKnowing it’s ok to “start”
oHaving insight on what it means to use your powers for purpose

Purpose is a process. It’s a path that will lead you to many levels because the impact of your purpose is life changing.