This week Marissa can’t stop thinking about dancing, something she needed y’all to know that James can’t do (3:33). James spends time reflecting on the stupid tax paid throughout his life, most recently a $3,000 watch he just had to have during last season (7:25). The Fight of the Week this week started out focused on the shoe carpet, something Marissa believes doesn’t even exist, and evolved into a question of her credibility altogether (9:37). The big idea this week is focusing on emotional intelligence and James gets specific about mental muscles your relationship will benefit from strengthening (14:38). For homework, go through each of the 5 muscles outlined by James and rank your current success in those areas, then come together with your partner and share (28:38). James and Marissa will be doing this assignment along with you this Thursday at 7PM CST live on the Successful Marriages Facebook page.