Life Fight - Show 011 - Natural Born Killers

Can exercising be bad and even deadly to our health? Of course we know that it’s possible to injure our self during a workout but sometimes there can be even a bigger danger than a dropped weight on a toe or a strained muscle. And that danger that could be lurking around a corner is a human being.

Several women have already been attacked this year while out on an inspiring run. And why would we ever doubt that an attack could happen while we’re out in skimpy clothing, wearing ourselves out to a point of exhaustion. This is a perfect time for an attacker to catch us in a secluded park area while we’re breathless, and launch his attack. This is why it is important for you to listen to the preparedness, awareness and self-defense tips for running outside that I mention in this podcast. There are many things that can affect your safety when you choose to take your workout into the streets or woods of the world. I’ll help you to think of these potential pitfalls from footwear, your route, construction hazards, headphones, maintaining fight fuel and more.

Getting to the meat of this LifeFight segment, I named this podcast “Natural Born Killers” not only to get your attention, but to remind us all of our capabilities when we have to defend ourselves against an attack. The biggest concern in self-defense situations isn’t what kind of techniques a person uses or if the techniques even work. The first and main concern is if the person who is being attacked is even going to choose to fight back. Do you know that the biggest question and statement that I get in self-defense workshop are, “When do I have the right to defend myself?” and “I’m afraid that I may get scared and freeze if someone attacks me.” Well these are all general concerns and honestly the people who ask these questions are being more real about self-defense, than the one who thinks he or she is going to turn into Jason Stathom when confronted with a knife wielding attacker.

In Natural Born Killers, I reveal how we have been “deprogrammed” by our society from our natural mentality as fighters to meek individuals. I feel that we must always go back to the beginning of where we come from when we get lost on the path of where we are going. And if we feel afraid to fight back during an attack… we are definitely lost on our path.

Cavemen, the Roman era, the Wild West, our youth days! What do these all have in common? Proof that mankind was designed to fight back! Even though we’re now civilized and shooting it out as a cowboy and/or Indian is preposterous to consider while we have indoor plumbing, we never thought that as children. MOST of us would readily fight back as a child as soon as the bully in pre-school took our toy. That was until we had our hand smacked by the oversized adult who also reminded us that if we fought back the smacking would be worse. As we grew older the intimidation of “fighting back” grew stronger with threats from authority to be suspended from school or the imprisonment and even destruction our body if we chose to “fight back” instead of allowing them to handle our problems for us. This programming whether we believe it or not has a subconscious affect on our “standing up for our self”.

The biggest problem that being afraid to defend our self causes is fear. Once we realize from watching the local news or an attack on someone who is close to us that we can be attacked, we become afraid. And this is not good because fear brings bad responses. Bad responses like prejudice, misdirection of anger, and paranoia just to name a few. This then causes separation in families, friends and us all as Americans. Then we begin to rebel against each other while everyone goes out to buy a new shiny gun to shoot their neighbor with.

We all have the potential to defend ourselves and immediately destroy an attacker who was seeking a weak victim, but we first have to admit that we are Natural Born Killers who are only suppressing our instinct to fight back. This podcast will help you to creep through your mind like a Ninja, and untangle some of the ropes that have your conscious bound to become the next victim. Listen to “Natural Born Killers” to learn about who we once were, so you can readily protect who you are now. And remember that we are on I-tunes and Stitcher now so please leave us a review and tell your friends to check out LifeFight. Thanks!

Jermaine Andre’

“Now I’m in YOUR corner!”

Life Fight - Show 011 - Natural Born Killers