Segment #008: My Martial Arts Movie Heroes

Waaaataaaaaah! Hello! If you’re an old Bruce Lee fan you might have guessed what I was referencing at when you read the first line of this letter. If not, you’re probably wondering what the #ell is wrong with me. Lol!

The controversial war will go on regarding the responsibility of the influence of television and movies, and the characters portrayed upon them. The world of acting was originally created to mimic real life but it now seems the tables have turned and real life is trying to mimic what is seen on reality show, movies and sitcoms. And the controversy fires up because it seems that the only things that are being mimicked are the rude, selfish, and sometimes even violent acts.

I am a person who believes that we are educated by what we see, hear, smell and feel regardless of if it is displayed in front of us as a real act, on stage or on a television screen. And I speak this from experience. My mind and even spirit was programmed by the things and characters that I saw on the martial arts fighting screen. I picked up on not only the talented moves that they displayed but the codes of loyalty and honor that they posed. I picked up on these codes so much that my loyalty and dedication to my friends sometimes landed me in dangerous positions.

Can you believe that my fighting spirit to never give up, code of honor to stand and fight for the weak, pride of being a man, discipline to be beautiful with my martial arts skill, patience not to be desperate was encouraged by my martial arts movie heroes? As awkward as it may seem, it’s true. I was even taught by a martial arts movie that I don’t have to always fight everyone who challenges me. Watching Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris Jim Kelly, and many others battle against evil helped to secure my foundation in the martial arts world. There was even a time in one of my MMA fights that my mind drifted off into my pretending that I was one of my Martial Art Movie heroes as I went for the knock out!

So take a listen to “My Martial Arts Movie Heroes” and see the things that I took from martial arts movies other than entertainment. These types of movies have more to offer than just fun and maybe this talk will aid you in seeing what I think are some of the secret messages that writers place deep within their movies with hopes of discovery.

Segment #008: My Martial Arts Movie Heroes