Jade Harrell with Steve Sommers and Mich Hancock, founders of TEDxGatewayArch.

If you've ever had dreams about speaking on the big stage!!! If you've ever wanted an opportunity to present your innovative idea...your idea that's worth spreading, you now have an opportunity. TEDxGatewayArch is accepting applications for the next TEDxGatewayArch event.

Applications are due February 19th, 2018.
AUDITIONS will be held on March 17, 2018.

In this episode:
- What the organizers are look for from speakers
- How TEDxGatewayArch got started in St. Louis
- Common mistakes of prospective speakers
- Secrets of a great TED talk
- Application details, descriptions and deadlines
- Upcoming TEDxGatewayArch events and opportunities
- What a TED talk can do for you