Next Episode: DIABETES pt 2

Today Shawn emplores us to "Go Natural First".

Did you know that every pharmaceutical drug actually comes from a plant? It originates from the earth itself, the difference is you are getting a synthetic version. So let’s take a step back and get the actual foods that these different drugs come from.

In this secret you'll discover:

-Pharmaceutical medications have their time and place but they also take a lot of lives
-Astonishing facts. One hundred and six thousand people die each year due to pharmaceutical drugs
-How to take an approach of going natural first
-Tips to get out, move, exercise your body, drink good water
-Stop the vicious cycle of treating at a symptom with a pill is not getting to the actual root cause of the disease
- Over the years is that you start stacking up side effects, and you need another medication to treat those side effects.
-Encouragement to honor our Holy temple, honor our body, and put good food, good water, natural things in first before we go the synthetic route
The Stevenson Secrets are a preview of the wealth of information shared by Shawn Stevenson. Additionally, Shawn hosts a top rated, world-renowned podcast called, "The Model Health Show". Listen to the podcasts and get honest solutions for wellness, nutrition, exercise and better living at