Joining us today is Raullo Eanes, Managing Partner with Capaha Partners.
Capaha Partners is a small, boutique investment firm that helps clients tell “THEIR” story in a language which is best suited for financing and capital growth. Capaha offers assistance with loan origination, loan structuring, underwriting and credit presentation for investment consideration.
Raullo provides strategic business consulting, coaching and mentoring services to small and middle market companies.
In this episode:
Background and more about Capaha Partners.
How to craft the “story” that needs to be heard by investors.
The “hands-on” approach Capaha utilizes.
Raullo's strategy for connecting funders to entrepreneurs.
Common misunderstanding of smaller or early stage firms have when it comes to capital.
More about these successful minority business enterprises that are earning millions to hundreds of millions in revenue. How do they do it? What makes it work?
Access: how Capaha Partners is finding and creating pathways where there were none.

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