Segment #10: Building Jermaine Andre’/Build a better you II

The best way that I can advise you to build yourself is to inform you about what it took for me to build myself. Most Mixed Martial Artists want to be well rounded in the Martial Arts assuring that they have striking, takedown and grappling skills for the cage. Well I wanted to assure that I wasn’t only well rounded for the cage and ring. I wanted to be well rounded for life! Therefore, my training differed from the training of the other MMA and Muay Thai world class combatants.

As a world class competitive MMA fighter and Muay Thai fighter, what would you think my training consisted of? Muay Thai? Judo? Russian Sambo? Jiu Jitsu? Well it was those most of the time, but there was something more important in my life than simply winning in the cage or ring. And that was the safety of my family and self. Therefore I was always sure to implement the self-defense training of Karate’ and Kung Fu eye flicks, palm strikes, throat attacks and groin crushes in my arsenal. Especially since my side job was bodyguarding and bouncing.

Weapons were also a strict part of my training regimen. How can a Samurai Katana be used for ring and cage Martial Arts combat? You’d be surprised at how the daily dangerous swinging of a razor sharp blade provided me with the calmness, and focus to dominate my opponents in the cage, and to outclass my subjects while bodyguarding and bouncing. The power of the Samurai surrounded me during ceremony with my sword, and this energy carried over into competition hence, the reason for my calmness and explosiveness in the arena. Listen to me explain how I used the ideology of the Samurai attitude to be remain superior to my opponents during combat.

Deep within my everyday training I was well versed with my pocket knife in attacks and defense. The potential of the pocket knife is very underestimated as well as its ease of carry, and the fact of whom may be carrying one. Boy Scouts carry pocket knives as well as everyday workers. This means we are always surrounded by someone who can cut us if they get angry. I made it imperative that I was always ready to defend against a knife attack or use mine for self-defense. Not to mention that a pocket knife comes in handy for everyday tasks even more than personal protection.

How is your recovery after working out? Recovery is neglected by many in the aspect of either too much or not enough. For the body to grow, get stronger, and heal there has to be plenty of rest. My recovery was so well scheduled that is was like clockwork! Without an alarm clock which I NEVER used. Recovery is so important that I even designed my martial arts school to “force” my students to take time off. And one of the most important elements in recovery is the mind. A tired mind can’t send the correct signals to properly heal the body.

Personal hygiene was a strong standard in my training regimen. I showered before and after training to assure disease control and more importantly not to offend those who trained beside me. The first rule of self-defense is not to be offensive. Bad odor offends. I even poured alcohol into my bath water regularly to aid in my personal cleanliness. One never wants to be known as the smelly person in the gym or the carrier of disease.

Another important element to include in your workouts was the pleasure of a massage. A massage relaxes the mind and body while pushing all of the bad toxins out of the muscles. This aids in healing and injury reduction. It also feels awesome!

I hope what I’ve done to build myself can aid you in building yourself . Listen to part II of Building Jermaine Andre’ so you can get a solid format on how to be well rounded in your workouts and in your LifeFight.


Segment #10: Building Jermaine Andre’/Build a better you II