You know you are in a food desert when it is easier to get an orange soda than it is to get an orange or it is easier to buy a pack of beer rather than a gallon of milk. 1 in 6 persons suffers from hunger in our region.

Did you know that:
•Missouri is the number 1 state for hunger?
•27% of St. Louis residents are food insecure?
•42% of St. Louis Area Food Bank clients have to choose between food and medicine or medical care?

Bethany is joined in the studio by Dr. Robert Hughes, President and CEO of Missouri Foundation for Health; Sunny Schaefer, CEO of Operation Food Search; and Denise West, Director of Social Services at Guardian Angel Settlement Association to talk about hunger.

Join our in-studio guests to hear about why hunger and food insecurity is a critical health issue for the region and what resources are available if you or someone you know is hungry.

For more information and resources please visit the following websites or call 314-726-5355 ext. 3 or 211.