Jade Harrell with John McGah, Executive Director, Give US Your Poor.

Motown legend Smokey Robinson and Mario Frangoulis will perform for the "Voices for Veterans" concert on December 6th at Peabody Opera House. Show starts at 7 p.m.

Voices for Veterans holds concerts to raise money and awareness to permanently house veterans, provide needed services and support their quality of life when they return home.

Get more information at peabodyoperahouse.com and at vfvconcerts.org.


Jade Harrell with Susan Bushnell, State Director of the March of Dimes and Jamie Antisdel, mom of Adali, born at 28 weeks.

November is Prematurity Awareness Month and when the March of Dimes focuses the nation’s attention on premature birth.


- Every year, nearly half a million babies are born too soon in the United States. Our country’s premature birth rate has risen by 36 percent over the last 25 years.

- Premature birth is the number 1 killer of newborns.

- Babies born just a few weeks early are at risk of severe health problems and lifelong issues including learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing loss, asthma, and other chronic conditions.

For more info: marchofdimes.org/Missouri
For report card info: marchofdimes.org/reportcard