What’s the best revenge against someone who has done us wrong?  The answer might surprise you, but it has everything to do with what makes a leader.

Notes and Resources:

Prefer to read?  Here’s the full post:  The Best Revenge: What to Do When Someone Does Us WrongHere’s a short, fun video of matches going off in a chain reaction in the form of a volcano.   Don’t try this at home!For more diversion, here’s a short video of a triple spiral of dominoes fallingFor a brief but interesting history of America’s most famous family grudge match, check out “The Hatfield & McCoy Feud” on History.com.


“When the answer to a wrong is another wrong, things don’t get better; often they only become worse.”  - Ken Downer

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”  - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

“A good leader is the match that keeps its cool, the domino that refuses to fall, the control rod in the reactor absorbing atomic fragments, not spewing them out.”  - Ken Downer

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