One of the many challenges we face as leaders is where to spend our time and energy.  Recently I came across an insightful analogy that can help us approach this problem.  It has to do with having a kind of leadership double-vision.

 Notes and Resources:

Prefer to read?  Here’s the full pos tDo You Have Leadership Double-Vision? Should You?The Essential Wooden by John Wooden and Steve Jamison is a great read full of insightful, practical leadership wisdom.Another great leadership read is Wooden on Leadership – more practical leadership wisdom woven into longer form stories about Wooden’s challenges and successes as a coach and leader.For more about the hazards of micromanaging, check out 7 Signs You’re a Micromanager and What to Do About It


“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.”  - Stephen Covey

“If we are to devote time to any task, no matter how mundane, we should make sure that time is well-invested.”  - Ken Downer

“Wooden’s focus on the details of every practice brought his team to the point that when the big games came around, he did not worry about the outcome.  He allowed the score to take care of itself.   - Ken Downer

Related posts: 

Book Notes – Wooden on Leadership: Think Small

The Leadership Eye Test: A Simple Checkup for Your Team’s Health

Visionary Leadership: When Social Proof Fails

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