Episode # 20 - In this episode we continue the Universal law series by discussing the the law of Giving & Receiving.

Description and show details: 

The law of giving and receiving is demonstrated in the most simple act as the breath. We breath in (Receiving) O2 and out (giving ) CO2 as the Trees breath out (giving) O2 and breath in (receive) CO2.

Everything in life has a dynamic exchange of energy, a giving and receiving in all energy.  

This podcast will discussion how this giving and receiving relates to your everyday relationships and actions, how to receive that which you give and how this Law relates in your life.

So if you want love you give love, if you want more money you give more money. But what does this really mean if we still do not receive that which we think that we give? We will talk a lot about the person that gives, gives and gives but feels they do not receive.

The energy behind the giving must be that of what you want to receive and energy can not be tricked however, the energy is generated from our emotions, or feelings and our intentions.

So if you give while thinking that it is coming from a place of love or unconditional offering, yet you have an expectation or even hope that you will receive, then the energy behind the giving is not really unconditional is it? 

It is typically an unconscious act or feeling of “i gave you now you give me”. Or as i give you, I feel you need to give me.

The act of giving, in theory, is driven from the conscious thought of wanting to give however the subconscious feeling is often conflicted or not clearly aligned.  

conscious or thinking thought vs a subconscious feeling. 

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