Season 1 : Episode # 47 - Exploring life balance within the flow.

We all can use a little life balance but what if the idea of how to create balance is the process getting in the way of the actual balance?

Life overall has so many subcategories within it to balance, it's not so easy to say I need "work-life balance" and actually do it when work and life are not divided and cover so many things.

At the end of the act of balancing life, we all aim to reach harmony, peace, contentedness or feeling more at ease or fulfilled with the life we are living.

We may however be trying to create a balanced life around the things we can not control such as political positions or the country's economical standings. I believe then we have not found the true meaning in balance if it is disrupted by those things we can not control.

In this episode, we pivot the idea of balance and focus more on finding it with the flow of life and surrendering to the unknown and challenges that one can not control instead.

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