Episode # 45: bonus interview with Amanda Monnier who is truly a holistic visionary. She is a deeply connected soul and we cover many concepts and ideas which cover and are not limited to the following...

Healing traumasIdentities and labelsIntuition Higher-selfSelfishness and more!

Amanda knows she is here to assist with the anchoring of New Earth and Oneness Consciousness. She has a passion for supporting people and meeting them where there are at in their journey.
Amanda transitioned into her soul work from a career in law enforcement after feeling a nudge to go all-in on herself. She believes in each of us activating our own inner healer and healing through connection to our divinity. She holds space for healing ancestral patterns, conditioning, imprints, beliefs and the shift into your fullest embodiment of who you are at a soul level. Amanda is completely committed at reminding others that everything anyone ever needed was always within them.

For freebies and connections with Amanda:

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