In episode 98, Mark A Preston joins the show to give out some valuable tips and tricks for all of you SEOs hoping to get buy-in from the C-Suite at your organization.

Mark shares thoughts on how you can identify where your SEO team may be able to provide value to other departments within business and what red flags you'll want to avoid.

We also discuss how you can capture quick wins that will make C-level execs smile and open the door for new opportunities.

(1:30) Making a Difference in SEO

(2:53) The Barriers to Entry in SEO

(4:03) Advice for New SEOs

(6:07) The Business of SEO

(8:04) The Larger Perception of SEO

(10:10) Before You Go After the Budget

(12:25) Red Flags to Avoid

(14:07) Identify Where You Can Provide Value

(16:55) How to Get Quick Wins

(19:55) Revisit Your Resources

(22:20) Rapid Fire Rankings 🔥

Rank your top anything:

• Family (they are my why)

• Making a difference

• F1

Rank your best SEO marketing win:

I once had 7 (not No.7 but seven websites) out of the top 10 positions for the term 'Business Opportunities' and all related phrases.

Rank your top 3 SEO tools:

* Ahrefs

* SiteBulb

* Screaming Frog

Rank your best SEO trick or tactic:

The trick is, there is no trick. The tactic is thinking the right way about what you're doing.

Rank what you love most about SEO as an industry:

It has real potential to make real differences to real lives.

Rank your best SEO learning resource:

Just talking to people about scenarios.

Rank the top 1-3 SEOs or Marketers that you most look up to:

I find some really good conversations with people you may not have even heard of online. That's the key.

Rank your number one cause/charity that you want to promote:

I just want people to be more respectful of each other in the industry.