In episode 76, Myriam Jessier of PRAGM stops by to help you understand how images can be used to create a substantial boost to your organization’s SEO efforts.

We discuss what tactics and strategies can be used to with visuals to improve your ranking in the SERPs.

[0:00] Intro

[2:07] SEO for Company Names

[5:17] Image SEO

[8:40] Backlinks in Image SEO

[10:23] How Google Reads Images

[12:00] Ranking With Images You Don’t Own

[15:34] Recreating Images To Rank Better

[18:09] The Influence of Human Faces On SEO

[18:50] Rapid Fire Ranking 🔥

Rank your Top 3 Octopi:

Dumbo Octopus

Blue-ringed Octopus

Octopus vulgaris

Rank your Top 3 SEO tools:

Google Search Console

Google Autocomplete

Concatenate in Excel

Rank your best SEO trick/tactic:

This one is stolen from Crystal Carter at the Women In Tech SEO Fest.

She talked to us about optimizing profile people pages for E-A-T conversions and rankings. And it’s a CRAZY strategy. It’s very very good.

Rank what you love most about SEO as an industry:

I never get bored. I have ADHD and I still never get bored.

The second thing is I can actually switch on my brain to do either strategy or technical stuff.

It always feels like a treasure hunt.

And the third thing is, I love this job.

It's just really nice to go "Hey,

Rank your best learning SEO resource:

Twitter. Twitter, no joke.

Rank the top 1-3 SEO or Marketers that you most look up to:

Stephanie Walter

Gianna Brachetti-Truskawa

Jamie Alberico

Rank your best SEO marketing win:

I managed to position a website that has a premium plugin that you have to pay for and their competitors are all free.

And we managed to sell.

Rank your number one cause/charity that you want to promote:

Come Back Alive

Twitter Mentions