On this episode of Rankable, Garrett Sussman hosted Krista Seiden, Founder of KS Digital LLC to discuss the topic “Why You Should Be Unboxing GA4 Now.”

GA4 is the newest version of Google Analytics. It’s a massive departure from the existing Universal Analytics. GA4 introduces changes to the UI, reporting, and customization that will benefit the digital reporting for any business. Eventually, GA4 will fully replace Universal Analytics, which is why Krista, who has worked with the Google Product team for the last decade, strongly advocates that organizations begin planning, adopting, and implementing GA4 now. Topics discussed included:

What do people need to know about GA4?

What are some of the biggest differences between GA3 (Universal Analytics) and GA4?

How do you get started with GA4 and why / how do you migrate to GA4?

What are the biggest challenges you expect users will have when moving from the old to new analytics?

When should businesses start reviewing how they will report on analytics using Events and Conversions.

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