The middle part of 2021 has already seen multiple broad core algorithm updates and Google's long anticipated Page Experience Update. In what has been a turbulent year both in SEO and in the wider world, the RankUp podcast wanted to return to questions we asked at the end of 2020 to see what's really working in SEO this year.

There's no guest interview this week, giving us the chance to put our very own Edd Wilson in the hotseat and ask him some questions about the themes he's seeing in successful SEO strategies this year. We spoke about how our expectations had changed from the end of 2020, the importance of understanding consumer search journeys, examples of brands doing a great job, and plenty more.

As always, you can listen to the interview right here on this page or on any podcast player of your choice. Or, if you want to see a few key points, keep reading for highlights of the interview. You can also follow Ben and Edd on Twitter, at @EddJTW and @BenJGarry.

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