Previous Episode: The imporance of confidence
Next Episode: Setting goals



Hey guys,

Today I want to talk to you about, what is confidence? I’ve actually had a lot of people email me asking me to make a video on what is confidence. So I want to share that with you exactly that.

Confidence is your belief about being able to accomplish something. So you may think that you’re not good at Math, therefore; you’re not confident in your skill of Math. However, you may be confident in reading, so your belief that you’re a good reader makes you confident.

So that’s basically the concept of it guys. So what is confidence? It’s your belief that you can accomplish a certain goal. Now you may not know how to do the thing that you are going to do, but you have the belief, you have confidence, even though you don’t know how to do it. So you don’t have to know and we are going to talk about this but you don’t have to know how to do something to have confidence in it. That’s called Competence.

Competence is defined as knowing the skill that you are about to perform. You either know how to do the specific task or not. Shyness for example, it is not a way of being; it is a way of thinking. So it’s a behavioral mode, it is not an adjective that describes a person. If you behave shy, it doesn’t necessarily describe who you are it only describes your actions. So with that being understood, I want to share some other cool topics with you.

What confidence is not: It is not arrogance.
Arrogance is the macho men type of personality, that’s not what we do. Confidence comes from within. It’s something that comes from inside. You don’t have to say I’m confident, people just know that you are.

Now back to the competence and incompetence topic. I want to share with you how this works. When you’re competent in something, it means that you know how to do the specific task. So for example, it is the ability to do something, and confidence is your belief about being able to do the task at hand. Now there’s something, such thing as confidence without competence. Which means that you have confidence that you can build the car but you don’t know anything about cars, so that doesn’t help you. Then there is competence without confidence, which means you know how to fix the car but you don’t believe that you can do it. So you know how to do it but you don’t believe you can do it, that’s another level.

What is confidence? Confidence is your belief about something. Competence is the skill that you know how to do it or not. With that I leave you guys, so now you know what confidence is and also what is competence. Our goal here is to combine the two and that is when the magic happens.