WELCOME TO RANDOMANIAAAA!!! When we say OLD WRESTLING this is what we’re talking about. 1987 called and they want their mullets back. This match features four dudes in different spots in their careers. Orton was winding it down, Martel was just returning, hoping for a run at the top. Tom Zenk was brand new and … Continue reading The Can-Am Connection vs Bob Orton and the Magnificent Muraco →

What could have been?

WELCOME TO RANDOMANIAAAA!!! When we say OLD WRESTLING this is what we’re talking about. 1987 called and they want their mullets back. This match features four dudes in different spots in their careers. Orton was winding it down, Martel was just returning, hoping for a run at the top. Tom Zenk was brand new and Don Muraco was on TV every week. What could have been for the Can-Am Connection if they had just paid Tom Zenk. Oh well! It’s a fun time in wrestling, where they’re trying to go national and Wrestlemaina 3 certainly cemented the company as a pop culture force that would be around for a long time. As the opening match, this match set the tone for the night, that the action was exciting and the athletes were premiere. I imagine that this could very easily be the first match that many people of a certain age ever set eyes on. It’s probably a lot of people. Imagine if this was a stinker, you think those people would stick around long? Maybe not? Maybe it’s a stretch to place that much importance on one single match? Anyway, enjoy the show.