Welcome to RandomMania!!! This week we got some old wrestling, like usual, but this time it’s recent…old. It’s from 2010 and it’s ShowMiz vs Morrison and Truth for the Unified Tag-Team Championship. This match is extremely short but we managed to fill time talking about a whacky time in WWE. 2010 was wild. Anyway, enjoy … Continue reading ShowMiz vs John Morrison and R-Truth →

Needs 2 more teams and 5 more minutes

Welcome to RandomMania!!! This week we got some old wrestling, like usual, but this time it’s recent…old. It’s from 2010 and it’s ShowMiz vs Morrison and Truth for the Unified Tag-Team Championship. This match is extremely short but we managed to fill time talking about a whacky time in WWE. 2010 was wild. Anyway, enjoy the show.