In This Episode:

As homeschoolers and parents, we often find ourselves juggling the demands of educating our children, managing our professional lives, and maintaining personal well-being. It's a balancing act that calls for solid boundaries. In the latest RLL episode, Colleen dives into the art of setting and adapting these vital limits.

Take a listen to insights stemming from her own recent hiatus and the deeper exploration of boundaries in homeschooling environments:


Key takeaways from this episode include:

Setting Boundaries: Learn the significance of establishing boundaries to maintain a healthy balance between homeschooling, work, and family life. Managing Time: Get inspired by Colleen's personal journey towards better time management and organization, which is especially crucial for parents with neurodivergent children. Modeling Healthy Behavior: Discover the importance of teaching our children to set their own boundaries and prioritize, a skill essential for lifelong success.


Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper


Links and Resources from Today's Show:

Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Finding Homeschool Balance  Masterclass | Prioritizing Self-Care  Dear Mom With Quirky Kids: You Cannot Do it All  Self-Compassion for a Healthier Mindset | A Conversation with Michelle Brownell  Finding Energy to Balance it All  Thriving Together | Creating Supportive Environments in Homeschooling  My Neurodivergent Kiddo Needs So Much Help…  Self-Care and Co-Regulation | Balancing Parenting and Sensory Needs Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life - NEEDS AFFILIATE LINK Masterclass | Building Family Connections  Finding Peace in a Life Filled with Intensity  Prioritizing Self-Care is Important for You and Your Kids


Connect with Colleen
Website: Raising Lifelong Learners
You can also find Colleen on Instagram or on Facebook

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