#010 Today, I am lucky to have Lane Kawaoka. Lane owns 4,000+ units and where he is responsible for finding investment opportunities, analysis, and marketing. Mr. Kawaoka obtained a BS in Industrial Engineer and MS in Civil Engineering and Construction Management from the University of Washington. In addition to an analytical engineering background, Lane has real world experience in working as a project manager for over $230 million dollars of capital construction projects in both the public and private sector. Working as a high paid professional in Corporate America and frustrated by the traditional wealth building dogma, Lane was compelled to inspire and mentor other working professionals via his top rated podcast at SimplePassiveCashflow.com.

For complete show note and transcript please go to Raising Financial Freedom

Links Mentioned: 

Simple Passive Cashflow: https://raisingfinancialfreedom.com/simplepassivecashflowLane on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lanekawaoka/Listen to Lane’s podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lane-kawaoka/id1353481757Check out our website: https://raisingfinancialfreedom.com/Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaisingFinancialFreedom