#019 Today, I am lucky to have Beth Walker join the show. Beth is a Colorado Springs, Colo., advisor specializing in financial strategies for families with college-bound children has joined the Carson Wealth office with $70 million in client assets. Walker, the author of "Never Pay Retail for College," established her advisory practice in 2002. She broadened her service offering under the name Center for College Solutions in 2017 with her book's release.

For full show notes and transcript go to Raising Financial Freedom.com

In This Episode:

[ 1:75 ] The state of education spending on college[ 4:45 ] About the inspiration behind Beth’s book, “Never Pay Retail for College”[ 6:30 ] Understanding the seriousness of borrowing money for college [ 10:30 ] Learning about the hidden costs of college [ 15:15 ] The mindset we need when thinking about college [ 18:30 ] Why school selection will be imperative to success   [ 20:05 ] The importance of cash flow in college [ 22:35 ] Challenges that parents will have to overcome 


Links Mentioned: 

Center For College Solutions: https://www.centerforcollegesolutions.com/Email: [email protected]Phone: (719) 522-2278Check out our website: https://raisingfinancialfreedom.com/Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaisingFinancialFreedom  Like us on Twitter:https://twitter.com/RF_Freedom


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