As an introverted homeschool, it can be difficult to manage a day full of children. Learn tips and tricks to make it easier!

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In this episode:

Why you should admit you are an introvert. The morning routine introverts need! A simple trick to teach your children during school hours. Why everyone needs to do less - including your extroverted children! How to create an introverted "haven."

Resources mentioned:

Podcast #97 - Things Large Family Moms Can't Do Podcast #37 - How to Choose Extracurricular Activities for Your Family Morning Time with Multiple Ages (post) Making Lunch Easy (post) MBTI test Morning Routines based on personality (post)

"Now I am sure if you could once make up your mind in the fear of God never to undertake more work of any sort than you can carry on calmly, quietly, without hurry or flurry, and the instant you find yourself growing nervous and like one out of breath, would stop and take breath, you would find this simple and commonsense rule doing for you what no prayers or tears could ever accomplish."
- Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss