Homeschooling a lot of different ages and stages presents a unique set of circumstances and challenges.  In today's podcast, we'll walk through several of these with real world solutions!

Teach your kids to dig into Scripture with games, puzzles, and more in the brand new
Bible Investigators: Creation! Need help creating a homeschool schedule you can stick to? Take my class!
Creating a Homeschool Schedule You Love!


Resources mentioned:

How to Add Another Child to Your Homeschool (post) Simple Morning Time (post0 Simple Morning Time (podcast #86) Morning Time with Multiple Ages (post) Independent Schoolwork (post) Teaching Textbooks Large Family Review (post) Secrets for Handling Attitudes in Girls (post) Girls and their Attitudes (podcast #56) How to Parent and Discipline Boys and Their Attitudes (post) Boys and their Attitudes (podcast #54) Homeschooling When Everyone Needs You (post)