Happy Weekend! Greg Angello with you on the RORE platform with another episode -- almost back to back from "Just Don't Worry About It!" This is a look at the difference of a desert and an oasis -- a conversation of which you are most like and how to become an oasis in your life and to others.

This discussion started earlier this past week on the Mindset Motivation, Thursday morning where Christian was leading the discussion about being in the desert and pursing your goals to get to an oasis. I took that discussion and brought it here for a much deeper dive at what is going on inside of us... a desert or an oasis.  I also talk about summer ending which means school is back in session and what does that looks like? No more sleeping in; getting up earlier; getting the kids ready for school; preparing their lunches; getting them to the bus or taking them to school and sitting behind that school bus waiting and waiting and waiting for the kids to get on the bus...! So much for summer fun. How can you be an oasis with all of that??

Hopefully, you can take away something from this one: from being a desert into being an oasis!

Now, to find out more of what this is all about on the Mindset Motivation Platform with Brock Zevan each Monday through Friday -- 8:15 am to 8:30 am Live on Facebook and Zoom, here's out to get to it:

LIVE on ZOOM, Facebook. Our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/345937187677114

Also, let's not forget this great tool to help advance your business or any way you wish to use it with Send Out Cards.  Here are the links to check out SOC and it's programs, catalog cards, gifts, and pricing.


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Thank you to all our RORE listening community in and outside the United States! We thank each and every one of you!!

Gregory Angello is the host and producer of Raised on Real Estate. All rights reserved. A Planet One Radio Production.