Many experts, entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants come to me because they're stuck. They can't figure out how to break through their revenue ceiling no matter how much journaling they do. No matter how many affirmations they say, how many courses they take or masterminds they join, new programs they offer, or strategies they employ — they've been hovering around the same income for two, three, or even five years.  

I found that what they have in common is making this Million Dollar Mistake No. 3. This is a sneaky thought process for most people in our society, a belief that keeps many stuck at an income plateau and life in general.

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ One statistic that blows my mind is how 2% of small business owners, especially those run by women, only make it to $1,000,000 in their business. That means 98% of the women-founded companies all around America never crossed the million-dollar mark. My goal is to help to turn that stat on its head and pave the way for more women to succeed using their business and entrepreneurship as their vehicle.  

✔️ Do the lifetime cash creation exercise. Calculate and find every penny you've made over your adult life. Write down all the money you've made. Take in that number and think about all the cash that passed through your hands. Whether it's $46K, $460K, or $46M over your lifetime, know that you have the capacity to build wealth. You have in your cellular memory the ability to create so much money in revenue.

✔️ Most people resist the idea of making money rapidly. The lie is that you shouldn't want to make money too fast because that's considered a get-rich-quick scheme. "Things that come too fast don't last." Now, I'm not saying that you should just do everything possible to make money as fast as possible, no matter who gets hurt. What I am saying is we've all been programmed to believe that there's something wrong with making money. Stop counting how much you make and measure how fast your company generates revenue. Remember, money loves speed.  

✔️ How about the scheme of staying broke forever? Many systems out there are meant to keep you exactly where you are. That is the trap most people fall into. When talking to people about creating revenue in their business, many entrepreneurs and experts who come to me believe: I don't make enough money. There aren't enough clients. Where am I going to find the people? I invite you to stop looking the hard way and rethink how you look at money. 

✔️ Game on! Live will prepare you to explode your bank account. It will also transform your life and help you achieve the impossible. It's going to lay the foundation for that. So if you are committed to shattering your biggest limiting beliefs, even if you're not consciously aware of it. Sister, you are the curse breaker and the creator of possibilities. ✨ Step up and show up. Go to


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

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